Christmas Wrasse Care Sheet


Care Recommendations for Christmas Wrasse Thalassoma trilobatum

    • Care Level: Easy
    • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
    • Diet: Carnivore
    • Reef Safe: Yes
    • Max Size: 11-12 inches


  • Minimum Tank Size: 250 gallons 

    Christmas Wrasse
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The red and green colored Christmas Wrasse hails from the Indo-Pacific, areas such as East and West Indian Oceans, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, East/West/Central Pacific.   The Christmas Wrasse is part of the Labridae family, similar to most wrasse fish. With their beautifully adored red and green patterned bodies, juveniles and adult species are equally majestic but quite different in appearance.  Juveniles can grow quickly and can get to be almost 12 inches.   

The red and green colored Christmas Wrasse hails from the Indo-Pacific, areas such as East and West Indian Oceans, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, East/West/Central Pacific.   The Christmas Wrasse are part of the Labridae family, similar to most wrasse fish. With their beautifully adored red and green patterned bodies, juveniles and adult species are equally majestic, but quite different in appearance. Juveniles can grow quickly and can get to be almost 12 inches.

Tank Requirements for the Christmas Wrasse

Wrasses are almost always seen in reef aquariums. The Christmas Wrasse will be a great addition to your reef tank like any wrasse fish. Since this species of wrasse can get pretty big, it’s a good idea to have a tank around 250 gallons and contain sandy substrate with a good amount of live rock for hiding and exploring. Similar to all other wrasse species, it’s important to have a tight-fitting, secure lid on your tank to prevent escape. As with many wrasse species, make sure the tank is large enough for growth, swimming, and hiding, especially if several species of wrasse fish will be housed in the same aquarium. These wrasses can get aggressive toward other species of fish, so don’t pair them with aggressive or territorial fish.

Christmas Wrasse Dietary Needs

The Christmas Wrasse eats a carnivorous diet. Feed your wrasse zooplankton, brine, mysis shrimp, and quality pellet and flake food. This wrasse species is great for battling unwanted invertebrates like flatworms and pyramid snails. Several feedings a day are adequate to keep your wrasse content. Since this fish is easy enough and relatively peaceful for beginning aquarists, this species would be a unique and rare ornamental fish for any hobbyist.

The Christmas Wrasse species should be kept in a good environment and a temperature between 72 and 78°F.  Maintain a pH value of 8.1-8.4, a salinity of between 1.020-1.025, nitrates and ammonia levels at 0 ppm, and dKH between 8-12. 

Written by: By Christeena Satterfield

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